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DIY PLUMBING - Steps and Tools to Use

Digital Genesis Lab

Ekorp Plumbing
DIY PLUMBING by Ekorp Plumbing

Plumbing repairs may occur during times when the most available plumbers will take hours before they get to you, and the problem at hand is already worsening by the minute. Sometimes, minor bathroom plumbing such as clogged toilet can be hard especially if you are in a hurry. To avoid inconveniences like this, it is better to learn basic plumbing for residential and commercial maintenance. It wouldn’t only help you fix the problem yourself but it will also cost less since you wouldn’t have to hire an expert who would do something you can do just with a tool bought from the hardware store.

To learn basic plumbing, the easiest and best thing to do is to buy a book that will discuss to you how your whole plumbing system works; what the basic parts are; what basic adjustments are needed when some minor problems occur. And because everything you need to learn is already available on the internet, trying watching videos from YouTube about basic plumbing tricks and hacks. Watch step-by-step tutorial videos that will walk you through the process of fixing your sink’s drain or simply by turning your water main off. Some videos actually show you how to repair broken pipes.

If you are getting the hang of it, try a more advanced studying by actually going to plumbing classes offered in schools or learning centers near you. Not only will professors expound those you have already read in books or watched from the videos, you would also experience a more hands on practice of fixing basic plumbing problems and the next time there’s a need for emergency service on toilet repair or kitchen sink plumbing. You don’t have to call a plumber and do the job yourself.

Furthermore, to really get on with doing it yourself, once you are knowledgeable enough about plumbing, your household must own even half of these plumbing tools that will surely come in handy when plumbing problems happen:

A plunger (or two) – a lot of households already own one of this and it’s safe to say that you know how tiring using this tool is. However, you can never deny how effective it is when it comes to unclogging drains, especially for toilet plumbing.

Duct Tape – this can be used for leaks or small. Duct tapes are no permanent solutions to plumbing problems but they help get more time to seek help before the problem worsens.

Pipe wrench – this tool is perfect for pipe adjustments—tightening, loosening, removal, or replacement of pipes.

Adjustable wrench – nuts and bolts are an adjustable wrench target for adjustments. This is one important tool that you should really have.

Auger & Snake – these tools are heaven sent for giving you an easy way of taking out unwanted materials clogging your drain. Hair? Wipes? Diapers? Food build up? What the plungers can’t take out, these two can.

There are a lot of simple ways to keep yourself educated with home maintenance. It doesn’t matter if you’re the man or woman of the house, being fairly equipped with knowledge about keeping your home in one piece should be a must in every household. Once you really learn the know-hows of plumbing, you’ll then realize how crazy you are for paying 100 bucks for something you can do yourself. However, you also have to accept the fact that some things are best to be left with the experts. We’ll leave the simple jobs to you but leave it to us to take care of more serious problems (i.e. pipe bursting, big pip cracks, sewer stench etc.)

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