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Landscape Tips According to Plumbers

Digital Genesis Lab

Have you ever had those moments when aesthetically pleasing, home renovations you see on the internet just mesmerize you, making you want to do it with your own home? Seeing before and after photos of plain yards turning into jungles or green, green gardens just makes you want to have trees planted in your yard asap. This is a clever idea for people who loves DIY. YouTube even have videos of do-it-yourself remodeling that would really transform your yard. However, you have to consider a lot of things before you start digging up your yard. One thing to consider is your plumbing system.

Roots are said to continuously seek for moisture and grows wherever it finds damp places. This could be hard when you hastily plant a tree over pipelines. It may not be that big of a burden now but over the years, roots will find their way even through the slightest cracks where they could get moisture from. Luckily, there are still some ways to pursue your dream yard without risking your plumbing system:

  • Make sure to regularly water your plants according to the plant’s water requirement. Some plants need to be watered daily while some plants need only to be watered once every week. You should also consider the weather in watering. Dry seasons means less moisture so you better give your plants the water they need before their roots starts finding for themselves.

  • Root growth varies depending on what plant it is that you have. Do some little research about how fast and how big a certain plant’s root can get for you to know how far you need to plant them from your pipelines. Water-hungry roots must be planted 20-30 feet away from the water and sewer lines.

  • Keep your sewer system maintained as roots grow faster towards broken and leaking pipes.

  • Have metal or wooden barriers buried 6-12 inch deeper than your pipes to keep tree roots from growing through your pipe system.

Trees and shrubs might look good in your yard but consider researching if the plants you’ve chosen would have a huge risk to your plumbing system. Yes, it is awesome to have Instagram-worthy yard to invite all your friends to but it won’t be that picture worthy anymore if your pipe suddenly burst in the middle of your barbeque party. Prevent tree root infiltration. Have your plumbing system checked by only the best in the metro. Our plumber’s will make sure your pipes won’t be attracting any pesky roots. Call for Ekorp plumbers today!

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